In general, whatever job you perform on the drilling rig, you will need to know how the drilling process is managed, supervised, and completed. Who is in charge? And who can permit the stopping of operations? Who can authorize you to visit the rig floor (Check also Drilling Rig Components)? What is the drilling rig personnel or crew members organization chart In oil & gas? How is life on drilling rigs?
The chain of command in a drilling rig is usually filled with personnel or crew of varying degrees of experience. Those at the top have generally had experience in all phases of the drilling rig operations. Those with the least experience usually perform specific duties requiring limited training.
The drilling bid proposal will contain many essential specifications. Of course, it will usually include the starting date, depth to be drilled (TD), formations to be penetrated, hole sizes, casing sizes, drilling mud program, logging program, casing program, cementing, testing, and well completion. A company representative represents the operating oil and gas company on the rig site.
Drilling Rig Crew Organization Chart

Rig Supervisor
The company representative or rig drilling supervisor is hired by the operating oil drilling company and is responsible for all phases of drilling operations and for all needed tools and services such as casing, drilling mud, logging, and cementing. Upon arrival at a rig site, contact the company representative first.
Check Also Rig Zone Jobs For Rig Supervisor
Rig Tool Pusher.
The tool pusher is in charge of the drilling rig and crew members needed in the drilling operations. He generally has good experience in drilling operations and relevant equipment and is the primary liaison between the drilling rig company and the operating oil and gas company.
Tool pushers typically start their career life as a roustabout or roughneck and work their way up. Nowadays, cyberbase drilling experience is mandatory for a driller to be promoted to a tool pusher.
Check Also Tool Pusher Job Vacancies
He is considered the next highest level of authority on the rig after the tool pusher. Drilling rig Drillers personnel mainly work on shifts, and each is responsible for his shift. The driller operates the controls on the drilling rig floor. He also raises and lowers the drill string, the speed, penetration rates, and drilling parameters optimization, operates the mud pumps, and operates the BOP stack as needed. The driller reports directly to the tool pusher.
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Derrick Man
The next man in line under the rig driller is the derrickman. He has enough experience to help or relieve the driller. During a pipe tripping out of the hole, he will work in the drilling derrick or rig mast, racking the stands of drill pipe, drill collars, Heavy weight drill pipes & bottom hole assembly. At other times, he may be servicing the mud and mud equipment.
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Roughneck Personnel In Oil Drilling Rigs.
In general, roughnecks in drilling rigs are the personnel who perform making up and breaking out the pipe joints. They also mainly work on the rig floor and keep a steady supply of drill pipes to connect to the drill string. They also help maintain & fix other equipment on the rig floor under the supervision of the driller and tool pusher. The roughnecks report to the rig driller. While drilling, one Roughneck is always present in the mud process room. He takes mud weights and ensures that shale shakers and other machines work correctly. They will also help in the casing running preparation, primary cementing operations, and rig operations.
Check Also Roughneck Job Vacancies
The roustabouts are the drilling crew members who help load and unload equipment for the crane operator. They also clean, repair, and maintain the rig and its systems. They report to the crane operator.
Crane Operator
The crane operator is in charge of the loading and unloading of boats. The pipe rack area is also in the crane operator’s charge, as are the roustabout crews. The crane operator reports directly to the tool pusher.
Subsea Engineer Responsibility In Drilling Rig Personnel
The subsea engineer is responsible for maintaining the subsea blowout prevention system. His responsibility also includes the wellhead connection, the BOP stack, the BOP control system, the marine riser system, and the motion compensation equipment.
Specialty crewmen.
Some skills are needed on the rig full-time. These specialty skills include the motorman, rig mechanic, rig welder, and rig electrician.
Barge engineer
A floating platform (platform rig) and drillship (also check the types of drilling rigs) will have a barge engineer assigned, who is responsible for the stability and ballast of the drilling vessel. The barge engineer must be notified before heavy equipment is moved or loaded on the rig. He must keep the rotary table in the correct position to continue drilling operations.
The motorman is responsible for the maintenance of the generators & engines. While all rig crew members help with major repairs, the motorman does routine preventive maintenance and minor repairs.
Drilling Rig Service Specialists Personnel
The operator will contract with particular service companies for specific needs. These service crews generally include directional drilling, well loggers, mud suppliers & mud engineers, analysis and treatment, cementing, casing, wireline operations, etc.
Mudlogging Geologist