Wear Bushing: The Ultimate Guide

When it comes to oil and gas drilling, one of the most critical pieces of equipment is the wear bushing or the bore protector. This small, yet essential component helps to protect the drill string from wear and tear and ultimately helps to keep the entire operation running smoothly. But what exactly is a wear …

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Surface Control Subsurface Safety Valves (SCSSV) Guide

This is the more widely employed and reliable method. The design of SCSSV – surface control subsurface safety valve is typically aiming to operate independently of well conditions. This is because the downhole valve relies on hydraulic pressure. The pressure is supplied by a small 1/4″ monel control line strapped to the tubing to keep …

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Tubing Retrievable Safety Valve (TRSV) Guide

A tubing-retrievable subsurface safety valve (TRSCSSSV) is run as an integral part of the completion string. The equipment requirements for the oil and gas TRSV system are: the TRSV assembly, hydraulic control line and fittings, and a hydraulic control manifold. Like the wireline retrievable safety valve WRSV, the control line is attached between the TRSV …

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Wireline Retrievable Subsurface Safety Valve

After installation of the completion string, we can run, locate & lock a wireline retrievable subsurface safety valve WRSV into a safety valve landing nipple (SVLN) before production. The SVLN (valve nipple) is integral to the tubing string. The valves typically open due to the hydraulic pressure acting on a piston which moves a flow …

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Subsurface Safety Valve (SSSV) Guide

A subsurface safety valve (SSSV) is a downhole safety device installed in a well that can be closed in emergencies. An emergency may arise on or around a well from equipment failure, human error, collision with an offshore facility by a third-party vessel, fire, leaks, or sabotage. Why Do We Need Subsurface Safety Valves? The …

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Traveling Block Application & Inspection

The traveling block (one of the rig components) is a diamond-shaped block containing several sheaves, always less than those in the crown block. The drilling line is wound continuously on the crown and traveling blocks, with the two outer ends, wound on the hoisting drum and attached to the deadline anchor. Traveling block specs are …

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Crown Block Guide In Oil & Gas Rigs

The Crown Block is one of the rig components (hoisting system) composed of a fixed set of pulleys (called sheaves). The location of this stationary block is mainly at the top of the rig derrick or drilling mast, where the drilling line is threaded. The companion blocks to these pulleys are the traveling blocks. Using …

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Standpipe Manifold In Oil & Gas Rigs

The standpipe manifold is one of the drilling rig components on the rig floor. From here, the driller can line up the mud pumps to the top drive system or the drilling kelly. This is also where we can fit the manifold gauges showing the driller’s mud or the standpipe pressure. It is essential to …

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Blind Drilling In Oil & Gas Wells

Oil & gas blind drilling is the process of drilling at the minimum possible pump rate to conserve drilling fluid stocks while the annulus is topped up with water. If returns begin while drilling, this might indicate that the circulation loss zone has been plugged with drilled cuttings. However, it could also indicate the onset …

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Shut In Drill Pipe & Casing Pressure

After taking an influx, closing the BOP stack & shutting in the well, pressure will build up on the standpipe and casing gauges. This is because of the hydrostatic under balance (drilling fluid weight too low to balance formation pressure). The pressure on the standpipe manifold is “Shut In Drill pipe Pressure” SIDPP, and what …

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