Mud Cap Drilling Procedure

In general, good operating practice calls for regaining circulation before drilling ahead. However, in some companies, there is one notable exception: mud cap drilling. Mud-cap drilling permits continued drilling despite a pressured formation and a lost-circulation zone in the same interval of the open hole. Although mud-cap drilling has been employed in a limited manner …

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Types Of Well Completion In Oil & Gas

There are two basic types of well completions techniques: There is also another classification for well completion depending on the well Production Mode. This classification shall include the following: Open Hole Well Completion Type The open hole completion has the production casing set above the target intervals. We complete such a well with the producing …

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Multiple Zone Completion

A multiple completion is one where we can produce several different reservoir zones through separate flow paths within the same wellbore. As we shall see, we may accomplish this with tubing/annulus flow, multiple tubing strings, or by cementing several independent tubing strings in the same wellbore (a multiple tubingless completion). Reasons For Multiple Completions A …

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Drilling Forum In Oil & Gas

In Oil and gas industry, you may search a lot to get advice from an expert. You may use Linkedin groups, Facebook groups, or any social media. But to be sure that you have got the correct answer, it will be difficult on social media. Here comes the drilling forum role. The experience in the …

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Single Zone Completion

Flowing wells equipped with a single tubing string are usually completed with a packer. Single-zone completions may involve the downhole commingling of production from several intervals within that zone. Examples of single-zone completions are shown in Figure 1. At the design stage, optimum tubing size for maximum long-term flow rate, future artificial lift needs, and …

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Open Hole Completion

The casing is placed in the open hole completion type and cemented above the productive interval(s). Further drilling extends the well bore into and/or through the reservoir(s) left uncased, hence the term ‘Open Hole’; See Figure below. All open-hole completions avoid the cost and complexity of perforating but have their complications. Advantages This type of …

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Drilling Stick-Slip Problem & Mitigation

Stick-slip torsional drill string vibrations manifest in low-frequency torque fluctuations of significant amplitude during drilling or coring operations. It is often seen as a groaning noise emanating from the top drive or rotary table. The period of oscillation is typical of the order of 2-10 seconds. This period corresponds to the first eigenfrequency of the …

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Drilling Subs Types & Applications In Oil & Gas Rigs

Subs are short pieces of tubular material used to increase the versatility of the main component of the drilling string. The simplest is a crossover sub, which connects two items with different threads. Others used in the drill string are: Crossover Drilling Sub These are short sections of drill collar material 0.6 m (2 ft) …

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Oil Rig Hazards & Safety Awareness

Working on oil and gas rigs has several hazards that drilling engineers should know. In this article, we shall divide any drilling rig type into specific zones, and we will explain the dangers & safety tips at each zone. We will introduce the following five zones below: HAZARDS ON THE OIL DRILLING RIG FLOOR Setting …

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Hydraulic Fracturing In Oil & Gas Wells

Hydraulic Fracturing, or hydro fracking, is a primary method for oil and gas wells stimulation. It is a highly engineered and complex procedure. The limitation of hydraulic fracturing application is generally to low-permeability reservoirs (e.g., < 1 Milli Darcy for gas reservoirs and < 20 Milli Darcy for oil reservoirs). Hydraulic Fracturing Process Successful fracture …

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