Well Packers In Oil & Gas Completion

A packer is a tool used in oil and gas production well, which when set, seals the annular space between 2 strings of pipe or a string of pipe and the open hole. They also must have the capability of permitting production flow through them and onto the surface. As its major functions, a packer …

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Packer Setting Mechanisms & Procedure

The variety of methods & procedures available for providing the setting mechanism for the seal elements of a packer leads to a significant number of options for installing and completing a well. Consider firstly therefore the setting methods for wells packers. Each of the possible methods for setting a packer is outlined below: Packer Setting …

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Retrievable Packers

A retrievable packer Can be defined as a subsurface tool that runs as a part of the completion string to provide a seal between the casing and tubing and can also be set and retrieved with wireline, mechanical or hydraulic mechanism. The major difference than other types of packers (permanent packers) is that they can …

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Offshore Drilling Companies | Top 9 List

Offshore drilling is the process of exploring and extracting petroleum products from the rock formation below the seabed. Regarding the subsea drilling program, offshore drilling companies render special equipment, drilling rig components, protective gear, and other essentials required in the extraction and transportation of products. According to the survey, the global offshore drilling market is …

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Subsea Engineer Role In Oil & Gas Field

In oilfield drilling industries, a subsea engineer is responsible for designing and optimizing underwater systems for the safe extraction of offshore deposits. He provides technical support to install and deliver adequate water-based equipment for the rig drilling program. This article brought light to all the subsea engineer duties, functional knowledge of deepwater tools, significant requirements, …

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Top 7 Directional Drilling Companies Worldwide

Modern automated systems are being incorporated to optimize digital instrumentation in today’s drilling market. Many vendors worldwide offer step-by-step guidance and opportunities to improvise the directional drilling of oil and gas wells. The automation technology exploited by directional drilling companies improves production efficacy, consistency, and productivity, improving market growth. According to a report, the horizontal …

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Types of Packers In Oil & Gas Completion

Production packers are generally classified as either retrievable or permanent types. By definition, a retrievable packer can be removed from a well by tubing manipulation, or some other means not involving the destruction of the packer. But to remove the permanent packer, we shall work on milling or destroying it. That’s why we refer to …

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Tool Pusher Job Description & Duties

Tool Pusher, a lead driller or rig manager, supervises all drilling operations and manages the crew working in oil and rig fields. His role is mainly administrative and includes working with the leading heads of various drilling departments. The toolpusher job description integrates all the optimal responsibilities, knowledge of different oil drilling technologies processes, and …

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Polished Bore Receptacle (PBR)

A polished bore receptacle (PBR) is another class of wells packers category that can be utilized in place of a permanent packer. The PBR accepts an inner seal assembly that provides a seal off between the tubing and the PBR Figure (1) and (2). The Polished Bore Receptacle is generally employed in a casing liner …

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Packers Design Selection Steps In Oil & Gas

Factors to be considered Well conditions. Compatibility with other downhole equipment. Customer preference. It must be recognized that oftentimes, several different types of packers may be successfully used in the same installation. Many times, a packer may be selected by the operator because he has experienced good success using it in the past. Economics. Economics …

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